Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Weekend Warriors

For all that hype about a start-up, you could say that Weekend Warriors has had just about as much lift as an obese man with a helium balloon. Hypocrisy's to blame though; for one who's just had one and a half weeks of block leave, it wouldn't quite be true to the cause to go writing about the potential exploits and shenanigans for what could essentially be described as 9 weekends in a row. Such abundance of freedom can only be described as being abjectly contrary to the spirit of the Weekend Warrior; the very essence of which lies in the tantalizing array of opportunities and possibilities which arrest you every weekend, but of which you are forced to make a critical choice as to your pickings for the precious 48 hours rationed to you.

In other words, it is not that options do not exist, but rather, that they have yet to be found.

Alas, if you were looking for an existentialist exploration of life and its meaning, you won't be finding that here.

What you will find on this site are handy heads-ups and suggestions to enhance your weekend: places to visit, things to see, stuff to do, food to eat, books to read, movies to catch, events to crash, and the list goes on. You could probably imagine it to be what would happen if Discovery Travel & Living were to settle down with the Life section of the Straits Times and have kids.

As a Weekend Warrior yourself, your role doesn't just end there. If you have any records to recommend, events to evangelize, places to promote, or things to tout, feel free to write in; for this guide is crafted both for and by the ones who live for the weekend